Practical training for Spirit-filled living.
Through your interaction with our web site, your enthusiasm, and your support, Supernatural Truth Productions has grown from a simple blog that began in 2007 to a complete production company with books, videos, music, and more.
Our name is based on a simple premise: The only “Supernatural Truth” in existence is Jesus Christ.
For something to be truly supernatural, it must be “above nature.” In other words, it must transcend creation. Therefore, even angels and demons are considered natural because they are created beings. God, on the other hand, is super-natural.
Jesus told His disciples, “I am the…truth…” (John 14:6). According to Scripture, Jesus is God. He was present at creation and today rules from His throne in heaven, sharing His authority with those who will place their trust in Him. Jesus is the eternally-existent “Supernatural Truth.”
Everything on this web site—and every product we produce—is focused on seeing Jesus revealed in greater measure throughout the earth… especially through you.