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Africa Report: Hundreds Saved and Hundreds Healed!

I’m home from Africa! Between the 12 days of meetings in Uganda and my 1 day in Kenya, I saw God work in amazing ways! Here is a short summary from my notes (which only includes the testimonies I was able to write down):

Completely or Partially Deaf: 8 healed

Completely or Partially Blind: 18 healed

Back/Neck/Spine problems: 11 healed

Total Healings from 13 days: More than 500

Total Salvations from 13 days: More than 400

Leg problems, hernia, bone problems, babies with Malaria, injuries of many kinds, heart problems, jaw pain, tooth pain, headaches, sicknesses, paralyzed leg, various pains, lungs, arthritis, fevers, rashes, and a one-month-old baby girl who was dying in the hospital…all healed by Jesus!

Many demons were cast out, and many lives were changed. Jesus is SO GOOD!

I’m now in the process of sorting through seven hours of video to produce one concise presentation of highlights from the trip.

Bukiiri Eagle's Nest Church
Bukiiri Eagle’s Nest Church

Perhaps the most fascinating video I have comes from a rural church in the village of Bukiiri. There, I taught the people to minister physical healing in Jesus’ name and invited all those who were partially or completely deaf or blind to come forward so I could demonstrate how Jesus works. Five people lined up across the front, and one by one, they were completely healed.

The part that is especially interesting to me, though, is that apart from the general ambient noises of people shifting on benches, feet shuffling, and children squirming, the room was silent during the ministry; but in the video, an unexplainable sound like rain and wind can be heard. It’s not audible during the teaching; but as I begin to pray for the first woman (who was deaf), the mysterious sound starts. Then I pray for the next person, and the sound intensifies into a loud roar. As I talk between healings, the sound subsides (a little like ocean waves), and as I pray, the sound intensifies.

I believe it is a sign from the Lord reminding me Who it is that actually has the power to heal! After that time of demonstration, I had the people of the Church minister healing to each other. Another 30 or more people were completely healed by Jesus!

Kenyan School Kids Ministering Healing
Kenyan School Kids Ministering Healing

Another amazing experience happened on the very last day—while I was in Kenya (just before starting my trip home). My guide, Wycliffe, took me to a school near his home where I preached the Gospel to about 300 students.

After explaining the high cost of following Jesus and the rewards of knowing God, the entire room stood to receive salvation. I reminded them of the cost, but they still stood. The students committed their lives to Jesus, and I knew the next thing to do was to help them put this new life into practice…

I asked everyone who needed healing to stand—everything from headaches, scrapes, and bruises to eye problems, ear problems, and severe injuries. Again, everyone stood. Through my translator, I asked, “Really? You all have problems? This isn’t a time to be silly—Jesus is a lot of fun, but He isn’t a joke. If you don’t actually need to be healed, then I need you to sit down.”

No one sat! So I had the students pair off and taught them to minister healing to each other. Twenty seconds later, I asked everyone who knew they were healed to sit down. Half the group sat. They ministered a second time, and half of that group was healed. The third time, everyone was healed except for one boy on the front row (After watching the video, I realized no one was ministering to him during the second or third prayer times, but I didn’t realize this at the time). I asked what the problem was, and he said he had eye problems and couldn’t read. I ministered healing to him in Jesus’ name and brought my small-print Bible over to him. He could read!

Over three hundred children were saved and immediately launched into healing ministry within about 20 minutes! I then spent several minutes instructing them in how to follow Jesus and maintain this new life that they received. The children didn’t want me to leave, but the airplane wasn’t going to wait for me!

It may take me a couple months to process all the video, audio, and photos from the trip; but you can be sure that I’ll share it all as soon as possible!

In the mean time, I’ll be posting testimonies, stories, and teachings from throughout the 16 days I was gone; so keep an eye on the web site to be encouraged by these powerful stories.

My thanks to Pastor Paul Basuule Habib and his family for taking care of me for the last half-month and for organizing the ministry times. Pastor Paul, these testimonies are as much your harvest as they are mine. Thank you!

God bless, –Art

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