Today the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling by a narrow majority to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states. The full ramifications of this are not yet known, but as we process this news in the coming days, I believe we need to keep our focus in the right place.
It’s very rare that I share a prophetic word on my web site (mainly because that’s not my primary ministry). But today I had an encounter with the Lord that I believe needs to be shared with the Church of America:

I saw a vision of a large, walled city with a great spiritual army attacking its walls. The Church was stationed on the inside, concerned about the spirit of the world infiltrating their fortress. They were fighting off the opposing spiritual army with great effort.
Suddenly, a giant gavel (wooden hammer used by a judge) appeared and began to beat against the wall. The Church rushed to where the gavel was beating, and when they did, they left a gate to their city open, and a great cloud of fear swept in through the opening.
I heard the Lord say:
Many of my people have misplaced their hope. They are discouraged because they are watching the advancement of the kingdoms of this world rather than watching the advancement of My Kingdom. Many have felt the tension among my children as some of them have celebrated the decision of the earthly courts while others are deeply troubled. In the midst of this tension, many of My people have been distracted by an earthly decision and have allowed fear to enter their hearts. So I say to My people: Do not be afraid. Guard the gate of your city that stands against the cloud of Fear. If you let in the cloud of Fear, you will lose your discernment, and your voice will lose its clarity. Do not fear what the earthly gavel can do. This gavel will destroy some things that you have built, but it will never destroy what I have built. You can rest in your hearts and continue to advance my Kingdom with love-filled and grace-filled action, or you can rally around voices who would proclaim fear and despair to you. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, guard against fear, and you will remain in My victory.
I specifically feel I should comment on what the Lord called “voices who would proclaim fear and despair.” I have a sense that they are found in the media—both professional media and amateur media. In our on-demand culture, we have a choice to spend the coming days and weeks seeking out news sources, articles, blogs, and conversations that promote fear and hopelessness; or we can spend this time continuing to focus on the Great Commission and leading our culture with humility, love, and confidence in Christ. Only the latter will help us to remain in victory.
Do not be distracted or discouraged by the decision of an earthly court. This does not mean you cannot engage in the conversation and public discourse; it simply means that you must guard both your heart and your tongue so that you can be a voice of hope rather than a voice of despair.
The Scripture promises regarding Jesus that “of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7, NKJV). His Kingdom is continuing to advance. So while this may feel to you like a great setback in the battle for our culture, it is not the final word. The only way this becomes a blow to the Church is if we allow fear to rule in our hearts rather than keeping our hearts and minds grounded in the established victory of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:10–13 — Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (NIV)
Continue to remain focused on our mission: making disciples of all nations. Keep proclaiming Good News.
Standing firm with you, —Art